Garlic Planting!

We have expanded our garlic plot this year to 4000! This might not be much to some of my farmer friends who plant much more than this, but for me to plant this many, means that we can at least start selling some next year for the first time.  This …

More garlicky goodness: fermented garlic scapes, our cleaned garlic, and the dog enjoying our mess after cleaning the garlic!

Signs of Spring

After a six month hiatus from the internet and then the next few not bothering to write, it’s been a long time since I blogged…The winter has been a jump back into full time jobs and adjusting to a different kind of life. Our new place is nestled into the …

Garlic is for Heroes

Hot Pepper Lovers

How Does Your Garden Grow?

With the past week being sunny and hot I was able to get the garden going! So far squash, beans, carrots, cucumbers and beets are all seeded and tomatoes, leeks and peppers are transplanted. I’m planting a winter storage and preserve garden this year. I hope to ferment, jar, pickle, …

Transition Time

The last week of culinary school coincides with me flying home to Ontario and in just a few weeks changing my lifestyle dramatically. Back to a farm-where the soil will speak to me again. Food will still be my central focus though, it being the main topic that goes through …