As I was not following the hockey finals I only just heard that game seven existed, but I didn’t bother watching it. After seeing the photos and comments posted on facebook by my friends in Vancouver of the rioting last night I can only shake my head. Are people really that out of touch with reality? What I mean by that are the things that are concrete, or REAL. Like building a house, cooking food, growing food, making a present for someone, going sailing or maybe even PLAYING the sport you’ve come to love so much. All of these things are real and involve some sort of interaction with the world around you.
I don’t mean any offence to hockey fans- I suppose supporting a team from your city connects you to that place and the people around you. But if losing drives you to light fires and break windows in that same city you call home then I doubt it creates any sort of community for those individuals. I wonder when the last time these people went for a walk along the ocean or cooked dinner with/for someone, or a host of many other activities that bring real meaning to life. Hockey may be an amazing sport, but in the end it’s just a game and isn’t worth any violence or destruction.