Summer Bakery + Farm Update

The days are at their longest and we have been using the light up in the past few weeks. Today after finding my battery charger for the camera (yay!) I had time to go for a walk and take some photos that are much better than the cell phone photos I’ve been taking.



Here is a view of the oven with the timber frame structure overtop of it. The structure will eventually be double that size to make room for wood storage and an outdoor kitchen, but for now the oven is dry!



The chicken brooder is up! We are getting all of our meat chicks next week and this is where they will stay warm and safe until they are big enough to go outside on pasture.



The garlic field has been ploughed a few weeks ago and now we are just preparing it for a cover crop of buckwheat.



A sea of maple seedlings in the sugar bush!



One of the large, old maples that dropped the seeds that are now seedlings!



One of our fields is just about covered in milkweed. Beautiful and helpful for monarchs, but not so good for the pasture…We will be finding a balance in the next couple years of how many plants we keep!


Bobolink! He didn’t like us disturbing him and his female partner. He kept calling and flying around me and Yoho (our dog).